“if we can transform by a few years of quiet, the habits of centuries, or progress will have been slow, but amazing rapid.”
~ Florence Nightingale (1894)

Nightingale Initiative for Global Health
Barbara’s collaborative global nursing project, the Nightingale Initiative for Global Health (NIGH) and the Nightingale Declaration (NDC) have been developed to strengthen individual commitment toward achieving a healthy world as a priority objective for action by ordinary citizens, by civil society organizations and by all governments, local and national. The NIGH focus is advocating worldwide for the achievement of the 17 United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that all Member States of the United Nations (UN) unanimously approved as moving towards the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.
Nightingale Declaration for A Healthy World
“We—the nurses and concerned citizens of the global community—hereby dedicate ourselves to achieve a healthy world.
We declare our willingness to unite in a program of action, to share information and solutions and improve health conditions for all humanity—locally, nationally and globally.
We further resolve to adopt personal practices and to implement public policies in our communities and nations—making this goal achievable and inevitable—beginning today in our own lives, in the lives of our nations and in the world at large."